So my advice is to wait five more days, or go to a doctor for a blood test. And it takes about two weeks after fertilization to get an accurate urine test result. Take it now, or wait till my missed period? A: The problem is that an egg can be fertilized up to five days after sex, because the sperm can live inside you for that long. My peroid isn’t due till one and a half weeks from now. My stomach feels bloated, crampy, just not normal.

Do I still have to wait till I miss my next period to take the test. Do the ChaCha! Would a pregnancy test be accurate if I just had my period? if you had your period, you arent pregnant Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers if I take a pregnancy test two weeks after I had sex but before my missed period will it still be accurate? Q: I had sex two weeks ago, the day after my period went off. More Answers to “ Will a pregnancy test be accurate if I just had my period“ Will a pregnancy test be accurate if I just had my period A pregnancy test will be accurate, and it will be negative it’s impossible to be pregnant right after your period.