Keeping track of your income and expenditures over months can actually help you learn to set more realistic budgets and attainable goals. You need to also hold yourself accountable and try to spend within the limits that you set out for yourself.Ī small application or even just a spreadsheet that categorically shows how much money is coming in and where your money is going can help you reach your money goals sooner. To have real control over your money, it’s important to plan where you want your money to go. It helps you clearly see your expenditures by category, so you know which expenditures are frivolous and which ones are truly necessary. A good expense tracker helps you keep a record of not just what you’re spending, but also what you’re earning throughout the month / year. Protecting Cells from Accidental ChangesĪn expense tracker is a tool that lets you keep track of your expenditure.Creating the Expense by Category Pie Chart.Here’s how the Expense / Budget Summary sheet updated to our sample transactions:.At this point you can start entering some rough sample transactions into the sheet, to test out if all the formulae are working fine so far.Cell Validation to Avoid Accidental Category Entries.Cell Validation to Ensure the Total Budget Doesn’t Exceed Amount Available.Adding Formulas to the Overall Summary Table.Adding Formulas to the Expense by Category and Income by Category Tables.

Building the Outline for the Expense / Budget Summary Sheet.Building the Outline for the Transactions Sheet.Renaming the Transactions and Summary Tabs.Creating a Google Sheets Expense Tracker (Free) from Scratch.Understanding the Monthly Budget Template.Creating a Bill Tracker / Expense Tracker Using the Built-in Monthly Expenses Template in Google Sheets.How to Create a Google Sheets Expense Tracker?.